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Recycling Asphalt, Reinventing Roads

We are diverting asphalt shingle waste from landfills

and repurposing it into valuable reclaimed asphalt for paving.

RenuCore Pelletizing Process - twotone

Softens Oxidized Asphalt to PG Grade

Our technology rejuvenates hardened, oxidized asphalt, restoring it to a performance-grade (PG) paving asphalt. This process ensures that the recycled material meets the quality standards required for durable and high-performance HMA applications.

RenuCore Hard Hat - Twotone

User-friendly Product

Our recycled asphalt shingle material is designed for seamless integration into HMA feeds, streamlining material handling and transportation. Encapsulated fiberglass enhances employee safety, while the product's stable pellet form eliminates issues with reagglomeration.

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Saves Natural Resources & Contractor Costs

Our process utilizes the entire asphalt shingle, reducing the need for virgin asphalt binder. Additionally, the high-quality sand and fibers from the shingles enhance durability by minimizing cracking, helping contractors save on both materials and maintenance costs.

Close up of lines on asphalt pavement

Let's Get to Work

When partnering with us, you're paving the way to the future - using recycled materials to build better roads and cut down on waste.

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