Contemporary Lines with Classic Arrangement
Clean, slender lines of V-Baffle Fins offer contemporary metal ceiling solutions with one-way plenum access. Add a variety of pattern and movement to the ceiling plane in either horizontal or sloping configurations.
The key feature of this ceiling system is one-way plenum access. This provides ease and additional access can be granted by using sliding carriers.
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Technical support. Detailed information. Systems-based solutions. What can we tell you? Learn what you need to know about our versatile ceiling products and their many applications.
© Barry Grossman Photography
Explore Color and Finish Options
Tones. Textures. Patterns. Make of them what you will.
Seeing Is Believing
If you can dream it, we can help you build it. We’re serious about that. So have some fun being inspired by real-world results that astound and delight. What’ll we build next?
Frank Fenn