High performance acoustics that push the boundaries of designing with wood aesthetics.
Abundant customization capabilities and exceptional sound absorption properties of Decoustics Quadrillo® Wood Ceilings and Walls deliver utmost flexibility when designing with the aesthetic of wood. Quadrillo panels are constructed with a high-performance no-added urea formaldehyde core sandwiched within an engineered composite wood frame. Acoustical absorption is achieved through unique perforations combined with the acoustical core. The percentage of open area is approximately 4%; the v-grooves create a four-sided funnel that allows sound to arrive at a variety of angles, focusing the transfer of energy over a broader surface area of absorption. Decoustics Quadrillo® Wood Ceilings and Walls can be completely customized to suit specific project requirements, it is a fully-engineered product and...See More
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If you can dream it, we can help you build it. We’re serious about that. So have some fun being inspired by real-world results that astound and delight. What’ll we build next?